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Photographer/Video Content Creator Editor & Streaming/Audio Engineer/Researcher



I was born in beautiful Caracas, Venezuela, where I grew up and studied law. At the age of 21, my wife, Gianina, and I decided to embark on the adventure of our lives and moved to the USA.


During my early days in Miami, I decided to study English at Miami Dade Community College while working as a server and learning about American culture. Later, we moved to Orlando, Florida, where I attended Full Sail University and graduated in Recording Arts Audio Engineering.


After finishing my degree, I was hired by Walt Disney World as a full-time Audio Visual Tech. At Disney, I worked on many events and shows, defining my 5 years there as my second school. I worked in lighting, video, audio, pyrotechnics, and more.


Now, I am the CEO of Prestige Tech and LAV Productions. These companies work together with clients, providing the best technical personnel in the USA territory. I also run the Se Habla Stereo YouTube channel, where I talk about technology for Spanish-speaking audiences.


I have traveled the world working with photography and video for various clients. I am passionate about nature, viewing water as an attraction and canvas. Every picture I take of nature carries the same message - we need to treasure our planet.




San Diego, CA

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